The authors thank Dr

The authors thank Dr. uptake into DCs is achieved after incubation Deoxygalactonojirimycin HCl in human blood plasma, proving an efficient combination of Deoxygalactonojirimycin HCl stealth and targeting after simple adsorption of the PPEs. This strategy can transform any nanocarrier into DC\targeting by noncovalent adsorption of PPEs and will aid in developing novel immunotherapies. 1.5 and…

ICI-associated pericardial disease ICI-associated pericardial disease can present as pericarditis, 9,62 pericardial effusion,9,63,64 or cardiac tamponade

ICI-associated pericardial disease ICI-associated pericardial disease can present as pericarditis, 9,62 pericardial effusion,9,63,64 or cardiac tamponade.62,63,65 Perhaps due to under-recognition as an adverse effect of ICI, pericardial disease has been limited to case reports and has not been subject to a systematic review. any of:Pathology sufficientcMRI plus: Syndrome AND (Biomarker OR ECG) WMA plus: Syndrome…

The secondary outcomes will evaluate treatment safety and tolerability, biochemical changes, evaluation of renal function and recognition of hypotension (ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM))

The secondary outcomes will evaluate treatment safety and tolerability, biochemical changes, evaluation of renal function and recognition of hypotension (ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM)). stabilize, or acting on the effects of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) within the kidney. Methods/design This is a randomized, open-label, medical trial is designed to compare sequential nephron blockade and its contribution…