In such cases the leakage point was required to be located at a safe distance from the center of the fovea. acuity is not to be expected. strong class=”kwd-title” Keywords: subthreshold micropulse laser, central serous chorioretinopathy, subretinal fluid, spectral optical coherence tomography Introduction Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR) is usually a fairly common, well-described clinical entity [1C3]. For the most part, it presents in an acute form, in APT1 which symptoms recede spontaneously after a few months. This form of CSCR has a good prognosis and does not impair visual acuity. In its chronic form, however, CSCR poses a real threat to quality of vision, the majority TLQP 21 of patients ending up with some form of visual defect, usually a moderate decrease in best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), metamorphopsia or scotoma. A significant decrease in BCVA is usually noted in a minority of cases, however, for most patients the symptoms of the disease are very alarming and often prevent them from participating in their everyday professional activity [4C7]. It should also be stressed that CSCR normally affects young and active people, for whom even a moderate visual disturbance is usually significant. Moreover, this clinical entity is largely associated with type A personality, hence the reason why, for some patients, CSCR symptoms are simply unbearable [8, 9]. Treatments for CSCR have been sought for many years, with laser photocoagulation of the leakage point representing a practical solution in selected cases of longer period [10, 11]. In such cases the leakage point was required to be located at a safe distance from the center of the fovea. Despite observance of this rule, however, some patients have complained of visual scotomas after undergoing such therapy. In addition to this method, practitioners have looked to numerous types of oral medication in search of a TLQP 21 resolution for CSCR symptoms (antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, acetazolamide, rifampin, low doses of aspirin, etc.). However, any results they have obtained have not been confirmed in randomized trials [12C16]. Just recently, mineralocorticoid pathway inhibitors have been tested in CSCR treatment with encouraging results [17C19]. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an important form of treatment of chronic CSCR, which is usually, nevertheless, costly and unavailable in some regions [20C24]. Use of a 689-nm wavelength laser with verteporfin in the PDT process was also attempted alone in the treatment of CSCR. The study comparing results of PDT treatment and single 689 nm laser treatment of CSCR showed that both procedures were equally effective; however, it included cases of relatively short period of CSCR (17-19 weeks) [25]. The efficacy of anti-VEGF treatment in chronic CSCR is usually disputable [26C29], with recent data failing to confirm its superiority over PDT or other therapies [30, 31]. In light of these clinical experiences, subthreshold micropulse laser treatment (SMPLT) represents an opportunity for a cheap and effective form of therapy. The abovementioned type of therapy has been utilized for treatment of CSCR for the last few years with encouraging results. In the micropulse mode the energy of the laser is usually delivered to the tissues in the train of very short repetitive impulses. Effective time of the laser impact is usually described as duty cycle and for retinal diseases usually set at as low as 5%. The idea of application of subthreshold micropulse laser is usually stimulation of the RPE to production of antiangiogenic factors without damage to the sensory retina. In result, intraretinal or subretinal fluid is easier to be assimilated. Photothermal effect is limited to the RPE only, and due to subthreshold and micropulse modes, is usually minimal [32C34]. Properly performed SMPLT leaves the sensor retina without any trace, neither visible nor detectable by fundus TLQP 21 autofluorescence (FAF) or fluorescein angiography (FA). This study attempted to TLQP 21 analyze results of SMPLT treatment in chronic CSCR, as well as determine factors that could influence functional and morphological TLQP 21 end result. The objective was to find a possible correlation between the effects of SMPLT and the following parameters: age of individual, duration of symptoms, retinal morphology before treatment (retinal thickness and amount of subretinal.